Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Quiz me no more

You know how some quizes are? You care so much you live on coffee (and whatever other substance you find to keep you awake) to work days and nights to ace it.
Well, today I gave two quizes of the other kind. Ones where I didn't care an ant's zit worth...
Basically walked into the Pharm Dev and Corporate Finance (this just comes like naturally to me) quizzes cold turkey.

Yesterday I sat down to go through Corp Finance and terms like Pacman, Jonestown defense, Macaroni defense, Green Shoe got me reading...hell these sound either like kiddie games or artsy war type movies...never thought Bankers conversations might be so colorful.

Banker 1: Hey, the shark's on us...we need to do something.
Banker 2: Ya, the Board hates the shark's guts...calling us in for help. I think Pacman would work best.
Banker 1: Nah they can't leverage that much...they got sufficient poison pills in em to keep the shark away...I hear they figured in the Macaroni defense in the last bond issue.

I digress...back to quizzes.
Quizzes/tests at the end of the year are EVIL...the design of Satan I tell you. I mean, your motivation is creating new definitions for the term "rock bottom", a break looms sinfully and alluringly close, internships aint working for you...and then they expect you to go back to material you grew to hate a few months back.
Also, quizzes tend to screw you over when you have busted your behind and then be a cake walk when you don't really care...sigh! "Slings and arrows of outrageous fortune". Today was the cakewalk kind for me.
Hopefully I can repeat the performance and beat the curve (and others on the curve) next week.
After that...quiz me no more!

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