Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Post spring break

The spring break was wonderful. I usually embark on a break thinking it is going to be MY time...when I would be able to put my past and present in perspective and look to what I want from my future. And, as usual, I end up vegging out doing nothing in terms of constructive thinking. Though I need add my main man, AK, helped me sort out things in my head.

Overall, it was a decent 9-10 days...began with a quiet Thursday. Went onto a hectic Friday with an interview, a job offer and a party on the back of one another. Saturday was some guests at home and chilling with a few beers Rashmi maushi got for me.
Rest of the week was a whirl of rain and relaxing, good conversation with BM, some work and generally goofing around. I can see that I'd be completely unproductive as a family guy. Thank God I'm single!
Helped BM around the house as she went on her "Revamp 2820" campaign, threw away a bunch of stuff and bought a bunch of stuff...net net the house remains crowded.

Friday the main man AK came back from India...got back a bunch of goodies...especially lot of pics. The Bbay place has turned out fab...the effort and $$s show! The Pune houses are looking good as usual. Hmmm might be interesting to figure how the flight back to Inde might look like.

Coming back was kinda crazy as the rain peaked the day I was leaving and the flight was delayed by a good 2 hrs.

Big takeaways from the spring break:
1) Watched a few movies
2) Got to read a good book
3) Realized the Mac makes for a good pic viewing experience but sucks as far as personal computer use is concerned.
4) A rain interrupted break need not always be bad
5) A break REALLY breaks the momentum for split type A/ type B personality people

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